Restorative Yoga 4- Week Series

Are you looking to relieve stress, tension, anxiety, and the chaos of the day? Then our Restorative Yoga Series is for you!!!

Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

  • Expect each pose to be propped up safely by bolsters, blocks, and blankets to calm your nervous system and to relax your body and mind.
  • Poses are held for a long period allowing you to experience relaxation.
  • It cultivates a sense of stillness, which allows your body plenty of time to bring calmness to the mind, relieve the stress and tension of the day, and allows you to simply relax and unwind.
  • Taking time out for a Restorative class is beneficial to all.

It’s a wonderful way to reset, reboot and recharge your body and mind for the rest of the week.

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